在不久前,Youtube更新了他们新的用户使用条款,这个条款预计将在12月10日正式上线,其中有一段就提到了,如果Youtube站在他们的角度裁量,认定特定用户的频道不再“商业上可行”(commercially viable),他们就能关闭该用户甚至是其Google账号对Youtube服务的使用,而这个服务很有可能是局部甚至是全面的。
So according to Youtube’s new Terms of Service, if your channel isn’t making them enough money, they’ll just terminate it.
To all of the smaller content creators out there, it was nice knowing ya.
— MP (@MpNintendoFan) November 9, 2019
Okay, so get this:
YouTube's new terms of service (active December 10th) say that they can TERMINATE your channel if you don't make enough money, since you're not "viable to the platform", something along those lines.
Here's the screenshot.
We've hit the breaking point. pic.twitter.com/84SLFpAoj3
— Kallionic (@KallionicYT) November 10, 2019
Hey everyone, I think this is something very serious to talk about. YouTube has this new terms of service on the 10th next month that terminates any channels that doesn’t make money. This can extremely hurt anyone with small YouTube channels (mine included). Please spread the+ pic.twitter.com/0ElIofrWwc
— Shark Tail (@SharkTailTweets) November 10, 2019
To clarify, there are no new rights in our ToS to terminate an account bc it’s not making money. As before, we may discontinue certain YouTube features or parts of the service, for ex., if they're outdated or have low usage. This does not impact creators/viewers in any new ways.
— TeamYouTube (@TeamYouTube) November 11, 2019
必须说上述提到的条款仍然存在于2019年12月10日的更新条文名单中(链接),而且该条文也确实的提到了“ terminate your access, or your Google account’s access to all or part of the Service”,也就是说所有的服务这个词是出现在条款内的,和Youtube后来的声明确实有些出入,一时之间也令人难以放心,且看Youtube后来是否还会有更多声明或更改吧。
The post Youtube新服务条款将于12月10日上路,将有权力关闭不赚钱的Youtube账号!?Youtube澄清:仅关闭部分功能与服务 appeared first on Zing Gadget.