在本月( 7 月)初,作为 Gresham’s School 学校的校友会兼 Dyson 创办人 James Dyson’s 在该校的演讲会以及 Dyson STEAM 大楼揭幕仪式上,将自已的人生感悟浓缩于演讲中鼓励 2022 届毕业生,并表示”this is not advice, it’s encouragement!”(“这不是建议,而是鼓励!”)
“Be different, embrace failure, discover your mojo, believe in your ideas, ignore the naysayers. Instead, through science engineering, the arts, ideas and ingenuity, shape the world in your image: for the better. My hope is that the Dyson STEAM building will nurture just these ideas. Never give up in your quest to see them through.”
James Dyson
在致辞会上,James Dyson 鼓励同学们并说到“去做一个与众不同的人,拥抱失败,发掘潜力,坚定自己的想法,远离否定主义者。去通过科学工程、艺术、想法和独创性,以你的方式塑造一个更好的世界。我希望 Dyson STEAM 大楼可以扶持这些想法。永远不要放弃你们对这些想法的追求。”

James Dyson 提到,格瑞萨姆学校(Gresham’s School)将不同学科的同学们汇聚在同一栋大楼里,以富有创造性的方式模糊了学科的界限。从机器人项目到人工智能,再到软件、摄像机人体识别和结构设计,他们在最令人兴奋的技术领域不断取得进步,为自己开创一个更加精彩的未来。这些艺术会是具有开拓性意义并鼓舞人心的。

新的 Dyson STEAM 大楼由建筑师威尔金森·艾尔(WilkinsonEyre)在已故的克里斯·威尔金森(Chris Wilkinson)的领导下设计,克里斯·威尔金森(Chris Wilkinson)与詹姆斯(James Dyson)密切合作了二十多年,共同建造了 Dyson 马姆斯伯里园区和赫拉文顿校区(Dyson’s Malmesbury and Hullavington Campuses)。Dyson STEAM 大楼由詹姆斯和戴尔德丽·戴森夫人(Sir James and Lady Deirdre Dyson)捐资 1875 万英镑建成,将科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学融为一体,以激励未来的工程师。

“My brother was eleven, I was nine and we had just started at Gresham’s. In those days there was no life insurance so the Headmaster, Logie Bruce Lockhart, said that me and my brother could board here essentially free of charge. Without that my education here would not have been possible and the school brought me up. It is great to now be able to give something back to the school.”
James Dyson
对于能够回馈母校,James Dyson 表示“我们刚到格瑞萨姆时,我哥哥十一岁,我九岁。在那段时间里,我们没有保险,校长洛吉·布鲁斯·洛克哈特让我和哥哥可以免费在这里上学。如果没有学校的帮助,我就不可能在这里接受教育,是学校把我培养成人。现在能够回馈母校真是太好了。”
与此同时,James Dyson 也在牌匾揭幕,上面写着:“献给我的父亲——战时士兵及格瑞萨姆教师”。因为 James Dyson 的父亲 Alec Dyson 曾是该校教授古典文学的教师。

James Dyson 演讲的金句摘要
Be curious! throw yourself… into everything. Try out everything, seize opportunities. Discover what it is you love.
James Dyson
- 保持好奇!全身心地投入,去尝试一切新鲜事物,抓住机会,发现你所热爱的东西。
Be countercultural. Look at things from different angles. Maybe by starting the ‘wrong way’? Your view is as good as anybody else’s and if it’s different, it’s almost certainly more interesting.
James Dyson
- 勇于颠覆传统思维。从不同的角度看待问题。也许一开始看上去“没那么正确”,但你要相信你的观点同样有它的价值,并且它与众不同,肯定会更加有趣。
Look out for guardian angels. Spend time with the people who encourage you. Be inquisitive and always wanting to learn. Inspiration will follow. Watch out for the experts, the boring know-it-all’s’ and ignore the naysayers and the doubting Thomases (All of whom say it can’t be done).
James Dyson
- 发现你的“守护天使”。多和经常鼓励你的人在一起。保持好奇心和求知欲,灵感会随之而来。远离那些所谓的专家、自以为无所不知的无聊人士以及否定主义者(将不可能挂在嘴边的人)。
Embrace failure. People like to portray brilliance as effortless. But that is seldom the reality. Success demands determination to overcome problems, concentration and stamina. My life has been one littered with failures. Of course, you can learn many things from a textbook or through others, however, you learn more – and viscerally – from constantly experimenting and failing. Failure, causes you to examine and overcome the problem.
James Dyson
- 拥抱失败。人们喜欢把才华横溢描绘成毫不费力的样子,但现实当中这种情况很少。成功需要有克服问题的决心、专注力和毅力。我的生活也经历了很多失败。当然,你可以从课本上或者其他途径学到很多东西,但是从不断的尝试和失败教训中你能收获更多。失败会让你审视并克服问题。
Do something you love. I’ve always pursued things that interest me and which I enjoy, everything else follows.
James Dyson